Our Sustainable Business

The biogas ReFood produced from collected biowaste can provide enough energy to supply more than 60,000 households for one year.*

*average energy consumption 4-person household: 4,000 kWh

Up to 80% of carbon emissions can be reduced by replacing traditional jet fuel with sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

Our sustainable second generation biofuel saves 85% in carbon emissions compared to fossil fuels.

2 products have been certified* as Carbon Neutral Products at three sites.

*acccording to the International Standard PAS 2060

Estimated ~ 29% less fuel for transportation in the future and therefore a reduction in the transport footprint thanks to the new ReFood site on Zeealand, which is scheduled to go into operation in 2024.

>8,5t of fat waste from private households were collected at recycling centers and supermarkets in Germany as part of the campaign "Save the environment with used fat".

This is an example of how we are also empowering private households to act in an environmentally conscious manner and in the same time informing them about the ecological added value of recycling used fat.


We valorize up to half of each animal that is not used for human consumption and turn it into safe and sustainable ingredients.

1 project

Daka SARVAL participates in a large development project that investigates the feasibility of using ohmic heating in the food and feed industry. In ohmic heating, electric current is applied directly to the food/feed item, heating the product fast, efficiently and uniformly. The development project is conducted by the Danish Technology Institute, funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark. The project will be completed in 2025 and includes a thorough life cycle assessment of the technology and its footprint.

In 2023 we sold enough natural casings and collagen to circle the globe 132 times.

20m people benefit from our pharmaceutical and nutraceutical ingredients every year.

100m animals have improved their nutrition and health thanks to our ingredients.

2.5m hectares of agricultural crops are treated with our plant health solutions.

Environment - Energy & GHG-Emissions

The consumption of Devro was taken into account at 70% for 2023 to reflect the acquisition of the company and to take into account consumption only from 15th April to 31st December 2023.

Total Energy Consumption

in GWh
Minor corrections were made to the energy figures for 2021 and 2022 to take account of subsequently identified erroneous data (< 2% difference).

Energy Source Composition of SARIA's ​Total Energy Consumption

Renewable Energy Consumption


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

794,321 t CO2-eq
Scope 1 emissions
109,033 t CO2-eq
Scope 2 emissions

Environment - Water



Total Water Withdrawal

in 1000 m³



Total Water Production*

in 1000 m³

*Total water production refers to the water evaporated from the collected raw material and then treated, representing our water contribution. Produced water is reported separately and is not part of the total water withdrawal.



Total Water Discharge

in 1000 m³

Our People

By Gender

By Age Group

Health & Safety

of operational sites have completed or updated an inspection or audit at least once.
of operational sites have carried out at least one H&S management review.

Employee Category

By Employment Type

Supply Chain Responsibility

We further used the results from the risk analyses conducted in 2022 to take preventive measures with those suppliers identified with a “high-risk”. All suppliers that were analyzed once are permanently monitored.

1,245 employees worldwide have received training on supply chain responsibility

60% of buyers across all locations have received training on sustainable procurement

As last year 100% of operational units have been subject to human rights reviews or human rights impact assessment.


Sustainable Finance

ESG-linked share of core financing with agreed term > 1 year

Considering negotiations even
ESG-linked share of core financing

*Due to the bridge financing in the course of the Devro acquisition, a major financing for 2023 was subsequently shifted to ESG-linked financings (negotiations started 2023, going to be finalized by April 2024). Furthermore, the extension of the already existing ESG-linked factoring program was realized in February 2024 (negotiations started 2023 as well).


memberships of associations

Data Protection & Information Security

substantiated complaint concerning breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data


significant instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations

of employees with access to 24/7 whistleblower procedure

In order to further enhance our sustainability management, we are continously expanding our reporting and thus have also introduced new group-wide indicators in 2023.

Learn more about the sustainability
efforts in our Group Functions

Sustainability in our Group Functions