Creating Tomorrow, Together.

Dear reader,
The past year has reminded us of the great challenges that lie ahead: global political instability, progressing climate change, massive energy and food supply crises, and the lasting problem of disrupted supply chains.
For us at SARIA, major challenges also entail great opportunities to contribute to a sustainable transformation through our diverse products and services – positively impacting people’s lives and creating circular growth.

About SARIA & Sustainability

At SARIA, acting sustainably is at the core of our business model and has been driving us for more than 50 years. As a family business, we believe that it is our responsibility to not only pass on a viable business to the next generation, but also a world worth living in. By converting products of animal origin and other organic materials that would otherwise be considered as residues into valuable inputs for new purposes, we are proud to make a meaningful contribution to a circular economy.
All our efforts are built on the passion and commitment of our 10,500 employees, supported by the steadily growing sustainability network between a wide range of internal partners from interdisciplinary fields as well as external partners along the value chain.

Sustainability at Group Level

When national regulation and industry or customer requirements permit, we see value in establishing Group-wide standards and common policies for all our business activities, particularly in governance-related issues such as compliance, information security and data protection, or human rights issues and supply chain responsibility. Ensuring that certain standards are maintained in all parts of our Group is an essential element of our overall risk management. Through regular exchange between the respective experts at Group, divisional and business unit level, we benefit from the knowledge within our organization and ensure that common standards are compatible with business needs and local conditions.

Sustainability in our Divisions

Our diverse business activities are organized into three divisions that are tightly aligned with different customers and their individual needs. This approach is also reflected in our sustainability management: We believe that our sustainability efforts should be equally linked to the specific conditions and requirements arising from the respective national and business context. Therefore, each unit is responsible for developing its individual sustainability strategy, but at the same time we are working hand in hand across national and divisional boundaries to promote exchanges and mutual learning to achieve the greatest positive impact.

A Self-Reflective Look Ahead

At SARIA, we consider ourselves as one of the founders of the circular economy. While the effort to use or reuse every part of an animal is as old as humanity, we were among the first to apply this principle to industrial processes. Scaling up the circular economy will remain our heartbeat also in the years to come. Considering that a “Circular Economy Action Plan” is one of the core pillars of the European Green Deal and the transition to a circular economy is one of the six goals of the EU Taxonomy, we have no doubts that our sustainable business model will carry us far into the future.