
Key Facts & Figures


GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 2-1
(Organizational details)
GRI 201-1
(Direct economic value generated and distributed)

Key Facts Divisions


Total Energy Consumption
GRI 302-1
(Energy consumption within the organization)
Thermal Energy
GRI 302-1
(Energy consumption within the organization)
GRI 302-1
(Energy consumption within the organization)
Fleet Fuels
GRI 302-1
(Energy consumption within the organization)
Renewable Energy Consumption
GRI 302-1
(Energy consumption within the organization)
Total Water Withdrawal
GRI 303-3
(Water withdrawal)
Total Water Production
GRI 303-3
(Water withdrawal)
Total Water Discharge
GRI 303-4
(Water discharge)

Our People

By Gender
GRI 405-1
(Diversity of governance bodies and employees)
By Age Group
GRI 405-1
(Diversity of governance bodies and employees)
By Employee Category
GRI 405-1
(Diversity of governance bodies and employees)

*For better data analysis, the contractual relationship is reported separately as of 2022.
By Employment Type
GRI 2-7

In order to further enhance our sustainability management, we are continously expanding our reporting and thus have also introduced new group-wide indicators in 2022. Therfore, previous years are not reported for some standards.