Site visits to strengthen ties
Tim Schwencke, co-CEO of SARIA, is travelling across Europe and the US to visit colleagues and teams in the various sites and across the different activities of the division SARIA Ingredients & Energy. Over the last weeks and months, he already met with many colleagues in the United Kingdom, Spain, Romania, Poland, France, Germany, the Netherlands and the US to strengthen ties. Tim Schwencke pointed out: “One of my top priorities is to meet my colleagues and teams in person and visit as many locations as possible. Together with the members of my leadership team, I am planning site visits not only for now, but also in the coming weeks and months to strengthen our ties with the local teams.”
Even with over 14 years of SARIA experience, he gained new and interesting insights into the processes on site during each of his visits, learned more about the individual history of the locations, their particular strengths and specific challenges. From the production lines to logistics and administration, he got a first-hand impression of the hard work and expertise that make SARIA so successful.
It was also a good opportunity to emphasize the importance of collaboration, innovation and development, which requires strong operational forces at the sites as well as clear, forward-looking support from the leadership. “These visits are always eye-opening,” commented Tim Schwencke, “and I am truly impressed by the passion, commitment, ownership and skills I have seen at each location. Many thanks to everyone for their important contribution to our collective success and their dedication and spirit that makes our global SARIA team! You make the difference!”